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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wierd color clouds before China quake

[+] [+] Rense postsed these chinese videos of weird glowing clougs just before the quake-- indicating of course that the queakes were induced by a super technoglogy== based on Tesloa maybe-- something in orbit-- firing something that creates underground disturbances... reserach google for china quake controlled weather particle bemas

Chna shot down one of its own satillitets earliy this year-- so maybe this is NWO retribution.

[+] Tesla earthquake machine

esla to try out his experiments in resonance. Every substance has a resonant frequency which is demonstrated by the principle of sympathetic vibration&endash;the most obvious example is the wine glass shattered by an opera singer (or a tape recording for you couch potatoes.) If this frequency is matched and amplified, any material may be literally shaken to pieces.

No channel on TV or news site I can find looks at warning trmors in china-- or anything on universiteis monitering tremors and where quakes are expected...

1 comment:

Rick Potvin said...

Youtube-- search on 'earthquake tesla'-- finds this coverage by a guy

[+] Apparnetly since March 2008 there are large quakes all over of 5-7 richter-- not reported....It looks like HAARP is doing this... chemtrails are used as part of the program.

[+] Earth quake lights have appears for decades?

[+ video about haarp-- and the dangers-- including the possibility of speeding up rotation of earth until it explodes from stress-- just like in superman story

1-20 hz earth penetrating frequencies-- are generated-- elf waves like this can affect humans.

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