I check these sites every day. Rense [+] Larouche [+] Cold filter [+] The world's financial/monetary system is being destroyed-- by the London based financial cartel-- ONLY Larouche has the answers-- So without that as a backdrop, you have no grasp of reality. [+]

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Blrechh Obama is merely a DUPE of the British-- his supporters too dumb to figure it out.

There must be a lot of really retarded people in Oregon. They can't even figure it out that Bllrechch! Obama is a stooge for the City of London. So much for the interent and research. I guesss they're smokin too much dope in oregon. Larouche points to the cult of the 68's and the inability to reason as the culprit. Anyhoo.... I've been wonderingt where all of Bllechh's money comes from-- and now we see this...

It is more than likely that the Democrats will find themselves in the same situation this year if Obama becomes the nominee, because of Obama’s questionable use of the United Church of Christ’s tax exempt resources to support his campaign
Source [+]

Larouche says Obama is being used to destroy Hillary and that THE CITY will then destroy Obama- -and the slate of candidates will change-- that the CITY knows the financial frame of spec is collapsing and they want to destroy the FDR iimpulse in the USA (which is what Hillary is) to take over the world in a fascist coup. If I can figure this stuff out and ferret out the leads, and most people can't that makes me waaaaaaay smarter. And I was even circumcised-- I think they used the foreskin for skin grafts before they could grow sheets of it. Flouride is destroying our minds too. So without a foreskin AND with flouride in my brain-- I can STILL figure Blllechhh! Obastard-bama out. Maybe there is protective coating around one set of neurons in my brain or something. If I'm so smart, why can't I figure out why I'm so smart. Blllechhh! Obama. Spread that meme and I'll watch to see how fast and far it goes.

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