I check these sites every day. Rense [+] Larouche [+] Cold filter [+] The world's financial/monetary system is being destroyed-- by the London based financial cartel-- ONLY Larouche has the answers-- So without that as a backdrop, you have no grasp of reality. [+]

Friday, May 23, 2008

New EIRwigs program to be on new blog.

The basis for epistemology and economics-- and actually the existence of humanity-- is nicely covered by L Larouche in a series of publications called EIR-- since about 1980 or so-- and my discovery of it over the past 7 years displaces everything I studied at "universities"-- I have the acumen required to realize what the implications of EIR are-- And I seem to be having trouble in transmitting these ideas to others-- in various quarters which is both unnerving, mysterious and lately-- just annoying-- because the feedback usually devolves into silence. Why is that? On the Larouche site, it devolves into requests for funds. Somehwere in the middle of that, there must be a place where I can position myself-- in mind space-- to create the situation needed. I thought Noocontinuum would be it-- but now I'm thinking EIRwigs-- because I have a very strict plan of attack mode-- in that area involving a stretegy lined up PURELY with getting EIR into governments and schools-- thus EIR With-In Governements and Schools-- EIRwiGS-- The acronym being memorable for the insect proproted to crawl into human ears-- which is does not-- but the myth and the analogy are useful I think... and correspond to the kind of 'fear of new ideas" that an earwig would induce in terms of its abiilty to get into the brain of a person through their ear. All other topics I cover on the net have been met with astonishing degrees of ignorance, bashing, insults and plain silence. The net was NO ADVANCE in civilization-- witness the continued TV bashing of Hillary-- the ignorance of the knowlege that Obama is an agent-- etc... And even in cryonics-- the sophistry and stupidity is wildly astonishing-- witness the insanity of the perp trusts-- an indictment of ALL people with accumualted money in cryonics!! They' ve convicted themselves of massive stupidity in history-- and in current reality!! Wow!!! But the EIRwigs program is a pointed program-- which is intended to offer repair to the minds of others-- and to do it in a measured way that I can help repair civilization over the next 25-50 years... it's THE single source of sanity-- as unbelivable as that might seem... in the world!! When I first discovered it, it was simply astonishing.. it decodes everything. It asnwers questions I've wondered about since high shchool... it doesn't go far enoguh-- in terms of life extensiont and cryonics-- but it's consistent with pushing that curve-- and it pushed the moon landing-- but not too hard-- as if there is a stratetgic reason to go with that for now-- but the epistemology tools offereed are key to decoding the NASA hoax too. So-- it's all there... I don't like Larouche methods of protest but I like EIR-- it's almost as if EIR is MORE critical than Larouche himself-- even though larouche is the top dog there... another mystery wrapped in enigma...

So-- new blog-- EIRwigs soon-- where I'll summarize EIR-- astonishing truth learned-- and submitted to governements and schools. (and friends and family).. LAFF -- Larouche Alterned Friends and Family -- objective-- alter the minds of friends and family with Larouche.

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