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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Jury out til Tues after Memorial Day Weekend

[+] From the google blogsearch on rezko, looks like the jury is still out till at least next Tues. This Rezko conviction is going to ensare Obama-- Obama is an agent of the British plot to destroy Hillary and both parties-- so that Gore or Bloomberg can come in and rescue the situation-- and basically allow corporativist fascism to take over-- destroying the USA and the nation-state system. In Europe this is being done with the Lisbon Treaty-- Ireland is the last holdout. So-- wrecking Obama's candicacy is important-- but it's tricky becuase at the same time, we need Obama's supporters-- Then Hillary made the gaffe referrring to assassination of Kennedy on Friday-- in her "anything can happen" quip. This isn't good-- Air America which has been pro obama was bashing her for it.

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