I check these sites every day. Rense [+] Larouche [+] Cold filter [+] The world's financial/monetary system is being destroyed-- by the London based financial cartel-- ONLY Larouche has the answers-- So without that as a backdrop, you have no grasp of reality. [+]

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Obama will lead to 50 state landslide loss

Rense points to an anti-Obama Hillary site that points to predictions of a 50 state landslide loss for obama. [+] That leaves 7 states-- where Obama can win-- becuase he made them up. Remember his stupid gaffe that the media is covering up for him? He's an idiot-- who used the 57 in reference to the US but was thinking the pan arab states-- of which there are 57 members. I would play that over and over again... Something is seriously mentally deranged and wrong about Obama... and I think it's going to start coming out big time real soon. All the media owned by corporations are guilty of treason as far as I'm concerned. Bigmouth Chris Mathews is a hateful man.... one of the worse. Obama won't even produce a birth certificate. The ONLY reliable overview for the situation is found through Larouche. All you Larouche bashers are going to be unpleasantly surprised... especially cryonicists-- soon-- over the "truth".

Air America was taken over by the same owners that pushed Rush Limbaugh in the 1990s-- and AA changed after that. Lately, they've been running an ad about a black man for president-- and playing some racist stuff-- then asking "have we really come that far?"-- implying that if you don't vote Obama, you're racist. This is a British empire trick-- and they all need to be exposed. Air America and the stooges who are on that station need to be exposed. The British empire needs to be destroyed-- once and for all.. only reading EIR by Larouche will lead you in that direction. We are currently in a house of mirrors and smoke... only EIR points the way out. [+]

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