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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Insane-- Obama won't release birth certificate

Rense posted an article this morning that points to something insane-- Obama won't release his birth certificate. Truly completley nuts. The rest of us HAVE to produce birth certificates for a variety of reasons-- yet Obama doesn't have to. What the hell is that?

The overall situation here, in case you're behind in class-- in the dunce row-- is that Obama is a point man for Brzezinksy and funded by Soros-- you can find out more by reading Larouche. His ONLY purspose is to destroy Hillary's candidacy-- he is acting as a British stooge. That's all. He's disposable and will never be president-- becauset he people who currently back him have so much dirt on him that they themselves will destroy him-- and install Bloomburg or Gore-- The financial oligarchy is taking the US presidency and they'll stop at nothing-- only Hillary with FDR's tradition can stop them. In the meantime, maybe Obama can be stopped now-- giving Hillary an edge-- by insisting Obama produce a birth certificate.

All the people who voted obama are being played for fools and all the people who watch the cable news channels-- are too. At what point do enough people FAIL to allow their beliefs to be suspended that something is fatally wrong with Obama's candidancy? Crap.

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