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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cryonics quiet from my perspective-- at the moment.

I'm signed up with Alcor and live within 30 min of the lab-- and never go to board meetings anymore. I've been banned from all cryonics forums, even ones I myself started. Ventureville was cancelled by Pizer without any formal announcment. The liquid ventilatin project is not openly discussed. More... click on subject line title above.

1 comment:

Rick Potvin said...

Current presidential politics are not being discussed in the open by cryonicists. I get the impression that the cryonicisst are preparing for a downshift in civilization-- consistent with their Harry Browne libertarian thinking-- head of the hills-- The financial monetary system of the world has collapsed-- it's only a fake front right now-- nobody acknowledges that Larouche is right, has been right-- and is right about the Obama situation... there is a deadness out there... that's quite amazing. There are no cryonics bloggers lately either-- Google blogsearch shows very little going on except for a few notable exceptions like deWolf's blog-- and "Ray Sonne's blog-- Longevity Meme. The Alcor board meeting occurred this past weekedn but the report is never out in a timely manner. Even CADC has disappeared... although I would imagine cryos have private discussion groups. Max More started a blog then quit. I would point anyone interested in cryonics-- which is about liviing continuously immortally-- to catch up on Larouche-- who also discusses immortality-- Ray Sonne recently did a taxonomy on immortliaty-- I'll betcha he left Larouche out of it-- if he did-- I'm going to publicize that and attack him for it relentless....

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