I check these sites every day. Rense [+] Larouche [+] Cold filter [+] The world's financial/monetary system is being destroyed-- by the London based financial cartel-- ONLY Larouche has the answers-- So without that as a backdrop, you have no grasp of reality. [+]

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Water powered car 7-day course-- I'm on it now.

The first book I ordered and shared with my auto mechanic turned out to be too complicated and potentially dangerous. My mechanic has research background. He's a cut above the average mechanic. This new site-- that someone put him onto recently after he talked about my material that I found-- water4gas.com-- might be better-- it looks better-- and to boot, the site offers a 7 day teaser course before you have to plunk down $97 for the e-books he's selling-- Total installation will be around $200. He covers a lot of topics that my mechanic and me had problems with on the first book. I want to cover some of the topics in a new blog-- and will look for others who are doing this on the blogs-- so to do all of that, a new spinoff blog is called for. In the spinoff blog, I'll work on details-- and I'll include a discussion forum. When significant developments take place, I'll report back here to the main blog. [+]

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