I check these sites every day. Rense [+] Larouche [+] Cold filter [+] The world's financial/monetary system is being destroyed-- by the London based financial cartel-- ONLY Larouche has the answers-- So without that as a backdrop, you have no grasp of reality. [+]

Friday, May 23, 2008

Interesting things I learned in last issue of EIR

FAO food summit in June-- coming up and will be a big deal-- entire agenda has changed due to the fact that world food supply is threatened with increased prices due to speculation-- the speculators have run out of bubbles-- so they're attacking food now-- still sovereing nation states aren't allowing it-- and are rebelling against WTO.

The Philippines-- once self-suffiencient in food-- now starvation setting in.

Larouche calling for killing the WTO. More-- click on headline.

1 comment:

Rick Potvin said...

Republicans voted for Obama in Indiana-- NOT Hillary-- as Rush Limbaugh pushed for.

The Anglo Dutch Liberal central banking system took control of the US dollar-- it's a cartel-- the oil hoax in 72 was a big part of it.

Food war has begun.

Truman was forced on FDR as a running mate.

FDR's intention was to eliminate colonialism on the planet.

Truman continued colonization and made it worse.

Prescott Bush PERSONALLY signed the order to release funds to finance Hitler.

The British Empire is not British.

Nixon was a London stooge and was elected by the Weathermen, effecitvely.

Blue collar and students were intentionally split in the 68 dem convention.

The US was destroyed 1969-1981 by the Rockefellers from the inside. David Rockefeller started the Trilateral Commission.

Carter was duped by Rockefeller.

Globallization was started in 1989-90 with the Soviet Union collapse.

More soon

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