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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hillary referred to assasination of RFK as point of time reference-- not as as invokation of violence.

The anti-Hillary crowd are going nuts over Hillary's comment that Dem conventions have gone on through June-- as she cited our recollection of Bill Clinton's June nomination and RFK's campaign into June-- easily remembered because he was assasinated in June. This has been interpreted by anti-Hillary people as suggesting that she said she's staying in the race because Obama might be assasinated. [+]

Her reference, first of all, was ONLY in reference to the time factor-- remembering other elections that went to June. I think she should have referenced even more of them-- if they exist-- or whether it was only those two races in the past 40 years.

Rense is now posting articles implying Clintons were involved in assasinations. [+]. I think this is absurd-- Especially in light of the idea Larouche talks about which is that the British are going to destroy Obama one way or another-- after he destroys Hillary and the Dem party-- so assinsination plots are of British origin-- larouche recently warned that Obama would be a target-- and larouche also pins the 1960s wave on Pemendex.

[+] here's the best discussion of the gaffe I've found.

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