I check these sites every day. Rense [+] Larouche [+] Cold filter [+] The world's financial/monetary system is being destroyed-- by the London based financial cartel-- ONLY Larouche has the answers-- So without that as a backdrop, you have no grasp of reality. [+]

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Comments section to be used for updates.

I'm still sort of toying with this format of blog-- and it occurs to me now that it might take more comment-column updates of existing items-- to sort of quell the number of topics introduced. Not everything has to be taggged-- I've take that the max I think in terms of readability. See more under blogology. There are so many blogs out there-- but there's no way to survey who read a blog-- and the social mores don't include posting an "i was here" type of post, although I do that occasionally. The blogsearch process hasn't yielded the kind of interaction I would have expected. In general, the entire world of communications is not the answer to the world's problems-- it's more of a case of reference points and history -- understanding that in a sovereign mind informed by epistemology. The only mind I now expect to follow this "gibberish" that I put out-- is really other minds that are thoughtfully regarding Larouche, the moon landing hoax-- and the possibility of longer lifespan in the context of prolongevity in general. We're not ensconsed in "the future" as I thought earlier in life-- we're being subjected to mind control by mainsream media-- and we're being subjected to "globlization"... we're becoming victims of popular misperceptions-- and I only thing left is our individual cognition-- referenced again-- by Larouche-- yet even Larouche associates don't converse online-- so maybe I'll kick a forum into gear JUST for Larouche fans.--- new idea there.

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