I check these sites every day. Rense [+] Larouche [+] Cold filter [+] The world's financial/monetary system is being destroyed-- by the London based financial cartel-- ONLY Larouche has the answers-- So without that as a backdrop, you have no grasp of reality. [+]

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Biographic notes and identity protection go hand in hand.

How do you jot down biographical notes-- like "My Dad was a Drunk"-- or "My Mom Screamed at my Aunt on Every Visit"-- without giving away identity? I dunno. Some readers know who I am here-- but there has to be a way to publish under a pseudonymn and protect that pseudonymn at the same time. I'm battling a cryonics group that thinks the opposite of me in this regard, called CADC-- they're attempting to control public perception of cryonics by attacking individuals like me. That's gotta be bad for cryonics eh? I would think. Anyway-- you should have heard my aunt and mom have these screaming matches. IT was wild. My dad's drinking "problem" was notorious in my household-- but I guess personal past is of no interest to anyone-- I suppose that's normal-- in the face of the collapse of the financial economic system right now-- This blog is NOOCONTINUUM-- however-- which means there IS a connection between the collapse and my wacky parents. It all goes together in my mind-- somehow. The only way to sort it out is an alphabetical index. EVERYONE, I feel, will have an alphabeticcal index like mine-- "in the future"-- My latest idea involves interviewing a woman I like-- ALPHABETICALLY-- and ENCYCLOPEDIAZE her entire mind.... then create a sort of AI unit with a keyword-- so anyone can "interview" here-- making an Eliza more interesting. [+] Eliza without a personal data base comes across as retarded-- so it needs content. I would put Maxim's content in there. Maxim is the top cryonics investigator in the world right now. [+] I could also create an Eliza thing for "socialists in vancouver" or "ecologists in Chelsea who are fake-economists"-- or "my ex-wives" of which I have too many. RoyWalford had a auto-person made of him that I tried at the dumb biodome experiment in AZ-- financed by a wacko with too much money-- walford was going to live forever-- he had a girlfriend that wanted me to join her on a world tour-- wonder what happened to her? let's see if the stupid people who follow me around on the net mention any fo this or comment. My enemies always wait till I say something personally revealing and stupid-- and then attack like crazy-- it's like bait-- red meat-- but when I point to smart things like New Bretton Woods, they have nothing to say.

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