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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Being alive and not being alive-- are always primary issues.

I find it interesting that I'm alive in the first place. I mean-- who would have thought? At one point, I was completely non-existent. Like before the year 1900. I simply had zero existence. Jesus is quoted in the Bible as saying "I knew you before you were born"-- which is one of the weirdest Twlight Zone statements ever recorded in history. Jesus is the Rod Serling of religion. Very interesting stuff. So far as my personal memory, I have no recollection of existing as Jesus says I did.

So when it comes to lifespan and death-- and apparnetly life is temporary-- this situation is very odd. Cryonics is an attempt ot circumvent total physical destruction of the body and brain-- so that hopefullly we can stay around. I'd like to stay around. I don't mind. I'm not yet interested in another round of non-existence and this apparnet state of being alive now-- seems to be the only chance "me" will have to promote me well into the future. This is the basic idea of cryonics-- but cryonics itself was taken over by the sourge of Kent-- and company-- and Alcor's insane public relations efforts-- so i really don't get along with anyone in cryonics or transhumanism anymore. Nobody writes in a way that resonantes with me-- not even Ettinger.

The basic idea of existing and not existing-- is always my daily frame-- my mindset. If you share that mindset and if this post makes it to the google blog-- join me-- and follow Larouche's line of thought on immortality and let's build a new way to look at classical humanism that accomodates larouche's classical immortality and extends that to our physical existnece-- Larouche already has a postiive frame for prolongivey associated with propopuluation... they go hand in hand! They do! Because "progress" has a particular defintion. Anyway... more later in the comments seciton.

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