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Friday, April 4, 2008

HOUSE OF COMMONS-- 13-- Gwenn's penquin economics views money as easy or tough


I'll reiterate my main recommendation: Do some scenario planning. What
are some alternate futures.... 1969-1988 was really easy money, 1989-2008 was a time of relatively easy money, and 2009-2029 are surely going to be tough times.

Source-- from private email exchange that doesn't identify the persons involved-- which I was falsely accused of doing-- by Gwenn and Bimbo....

My Comment--

And Gwenn calls herself an economist-- or at least used to? I don't think Gwenn has any idea what she's talking about. Easy money, relatively easy money and tough times. That is such INCOMPETENCE in even simplified economics that I need an oxygen tank to catch my breath. I'm gasping at the depth of ineptitude-- contemptible and insultable-- because the egomaniac who voiced this believes-- truly believes-- in himself with regard to economics. Well-- expletive expletive expletive. And expletive. One more expletive.

I can't even begin-- to correctly identify this charade. It's just so far out of reality that I can only wonder where Gwenn has been. IT couldn't POSSIBLY have been Earth. Her reference points are obvious-- for 1988 and 2008-- but those references points were SYMPTOMS only-- I'm not sure what 1969 is in reference to. Could it be the fake moon landing?

Rather than do point by point kickback here-- I would just state for he record-- even if NOBODY responds (out of stupidity, incompetence, maliciousness diguised as disgust over "expletives" etc, or even ungrounded fear)-- that Gwenns' incompetence is matched ONLY by Ken's incompetence-- and I'm not referring to anything practical-- there are mixed competencies in each case-- but rather the incompetence in viewing the BIG [expletive] PICTURE-- the worldview that EXPLAINS what the [expeletive] is going on, overall.

The sheer depth of ignorance on this-- on this private list-- is astonishing if only for it's RESISTANCE to "outside" ideas-- and forceful expression-- and the resistance to TRANSLATING so called "private email exchange" to a public forum where IDENTITIES are proteced-- which makes the email list essentially a CULT-RING-- where not ONLY ignorance reigns, but PETTY PRIDE tumps the search for truth.

The world's financial system is currently crashing BECAUSE the POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY of Sovereign Nation-States and Soverien money has been USURPED by the CITY OF LONDON Financial Cartels-- and the SINGULAR reference point that GWEN needs to have shoved into her face is 1971. Since the dupes on this list have ALL stopped communicating with me-- I don't expect feedback on what 1971 was. I'm not going to "give them the answer"-- but rather point these self-destructive Canadian canards-of-economists to PHYSICAL economist Larouche where they can, if they want, explore for the answer themselves. [+]

In the cycles of the rise and fall of civilizations, we see corresponce to reality either being adoped or imposed. It's MUCH better to adopt reality than to have it forcefully imposed. I suggest that Gwen and Ken begin adopting the precepts of reality as most adptly described by Larouche-- instead of milking every last drop of their fantasies out of the current monetary CRASH-- which will destroy us all. As far as the others-- it's less than hopeless that they can comprehend what is about to happen to civilization... their inability to think abstract thoughts was proven a long time ago.. it won't change at this point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just another comment test..O.K.
World will keep spinning regardless of pesticides & all else.

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