NOOCONTINUUM-- PhilOssifurr's Main Blog for 2008

I check these sites every day. Rense [+] Larouche [+] Cold filter [+] The world's financial/monetary system is being destroyed-- by the London based financial cartel-- ONLY Larouche has the answers-- So without that as a backdrop, you have no grasp of reality. [+]

Thursday, June 12, 2008

This blog is continued here


Larouche calls Obama an idiot for NPR radio analysis of oil prices.

[+] Latest on LPAC-- Larouche calls Obama an idiot.

[+\ LPAC homepage

[+] Google blogsearch on "larouche"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Stock blog updated-- past 10 years got nowhere--

I went nowhere in stock trading from 1999 to 2008. The Ted Warren system I was so enthused about didn't work. I trade very very small... very small-- it's pathetic. I got into it a bit because I thought it represented a little hope but I guess not. It's far too tricky for me. Pretty much everything is. I think the biggest problem is that there isn't a lot of truth out there. We're all dealing with false information and bad clues. Deception is the rule. There is no impulse in society to lay out the truth. It's very depressing. See my index below-- stocks-- blog.

Larouche blogsearch results are somewhat useful.

[+] It's worth following the blogs about Larouche.

Obama will lead to 50 state landslide loss

Rense points to an anti-Obama Hillary site that points to predictions of a 50 state landslide loss for obama. [+] That leaves 7 states-- where Obama can win-- becuase he made them up. Remember his stupid gaffe that the media is covering up for him? He's an idiot-- who used the 57 in reference to the US but was thinking the pan arab states-- of which there are 57 members. I would play that over and over again... Something is seriously mentally deranged and wrong about Obama... and I think it's going to start coming out big time real soon. All the media owned by corporations are guilty of treason as far as I'm concerned. Bigmouth Chris Mathews is a hateful man.... one of the worse. Obama won't even produce a birth certificate. The ONLY reliable overview for the situation is found through Larouche. All you Larouche bashers are going to be unpleasantly surprised... especially cryonicists-- soon-- over the "truth".

Air America was taken over by the same owners that pushed Rush Limbaugh in the 1990s-- and AA changed after that. Lately, they've been running an ad about a black man for president-- and playing some racist stuff-- then asking "have we really come that far?"-- implying that if you don't vote Obama, you're racist. This is a British empire trick-- and they all need to be exposed. Air America and the stooges who are on that station need to be exposed. The British empire needs to be destroyed-- once and for all.. only reading EIR by Larouche will lead you in that direction. We are currently in a house of mirrors and smoke... only EIR points the way out. [+]

Derivatives over a "quadrillion"-- and foreclosures over a million-- firewall now

Lararouche's solution is the only solution-- a firewall-- against collapsing speculation-- which is being directed at oil and food now.

[+] Derivatives-- on Rense this am.

[+] Cafferty is hateful but here he points to the problem. Of course he won't point to Larouche's solutions.

Insane-- Obama won't release birth certificate

Rense posted an article this morning that points to something insane-- Obama won't release his birth certificate. Truly completley nuts. The rest of us HAVE to produce birth certificates for a variety of reasons-- yet Obama doesn't have to. What the hell is that?

The overall situation here, in case you're behind in class-- in the dunce row-- is that Obama is a point man for Brzezinksy and funded by Soros-- you can find out more by reading Larouche. His ONLY purspose is to destroy Hillary's candidacy-- he is acting as a British stooge. That's all. He's disposable and will never be president-- becauset he people who currently back him have so much dirt on him that they themselves will destroy him-- and install Bloomburg or Gore-- The financial oligarchy is taking the US presidency and they'll stop at nothing-- only Hillary with FDR's tradition can stop them. In the meantime, maybe Obama can be stopped now-- giving Hillary an edge-- by insisting Obama produce a birth certificate.

All the people who voted obama are being played for fools and all the people who watch the cable news channels-- are too. At what point do enough people FAIL to allow their beliefs to be suspended that something is fatally wrong with Obama's candidancy? Crap.

$250 a barrel now talked about-- no end in sight-- understand real cause

The real cause commodity price rises are that the speculators are now using commodities to hold their hundreds of trillions of dollars-- of paper moeny-- thats all. The British empire-- is doing this-- it's intentional. The mainstream news has become a complete joke-- worse than useless.The apparent "leaders"-- are not commenting. Here's the latest [+]

Be sure to scroll down under oil-- in my index-- for previous entries.

Hemp can be used as fuel too?

[+] I can't seem to get to the bottom of the hemp story. Rense posted another article about it this morning.

[+] Google blogsearch on hemp as fuel.

The problem with using hemp as fuel is that you would have to grow it-- so much of it-- that it would displace food crops-- jast as ethanol is doing now. Rense posts this article without that overview. The energy flux density of hemp or any crop is going to be far too small to support a population of 40 or 50 billion humans on Earth in 100 years-- which is the direction we want to go. The analysis of energy/power for type 0, 1, 2 and 3 civilizations has been described by a Japanese writer whose name I forgot-- which reference I need to find again.

Follow Obama's money.

The latest on Obama is someone followed the money-- and came to the conclusion that those small donations are not transparent and might be the clue to uncover a scandal. [+] Soros is behind both McCain and Obama-- and Soros is an expert in international currency trading-- a multi-billionnaire-- who crashed Thailand's currency without remorse. Larouche is exposing this connection too.

We're currently in a phase where Hillary is laying low. There is a plan however.

Cryonics blog posts thin despite excellent google resource

[+] Not sure what language this blogger is using-- appears Hungarian perhaps-- could this be Olga Visser?

[+] This badly written blog appears on google blogserach referring to Chana and "Larry" making a presentation-- Larry? In Oregon? This should be looked at by anyone interestined in cryonics investigative reporting. The blog is mostly about metabolism but comes up funny-- it's formatting is off.

[+] MPlus talks about a woman's fear of the future.

[+] My latest Cryonicology post promises to look at deWolfs look at immortality-- betting he doesn't look at larouche's concept of immortlaity... which would be par for the course in cryonics.

For the most part, given the number of cryonicists, this method of publishing has not caught on.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Gas prices are set in City of London-- speculation in food and gas now

Gas prices on google blogserach [+]

Hillary has called for anti-trust laws to break the City of London monopoly on gas pricing-- it's $3 a barrel at the wellhaed-- and the middle men are pocketing $127 for th e$130 total. Gas in Phonix rose 15 cents to $US 4.15 overnight-- now it's going to cause serious impoact.

Cryonics quiet from my perspective-- at the moment.

I'm signed up with Alcor and live within 30 min of the lab-- and never go to board meetings anymore. I've been banned from all cryonics forums, even ones I myself started. Ventureville was cancelled by Pizer without any formal announcment. The liquid ventilatin project is not openly discussed. More... click on subject line title above.

FD and Maxim discuss role cryonics Kent on ColdFilter

[+] Looks like FD and Maxim are the best CF writers lately-- acting like true investigate reporters.

Bravenet has best site counter.

I've been meaning to install a site counter-- by Bravenet-- but they only allow one free sample and I've used that up-- so will have to figure something else out now.

Noocontinuum continues for June 2008- cryonics

[+] Continuum continued here.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Obama-Rezko connection exists in changing law

I read somewhere that Obama's ability to change the law to allow Rezko to do what he did is an important link here. I'll find that as soon as possible. What Obama knowingly did was change a law that did NOT have to be changed allowing for less supervision of a situation that Rezko then took advantage.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Robert Kennedy JR points to media-- as irresponsible

[+] Mainstream media is junk. They're useless. Here's RFK Jr.

US is suffering occupation by Zionists

[+] From Rense today.

Regional governments are precursors to globalist agenda-- stop them

IN Canada, Ontario counties were changed to "regions". This has to be reversed. Or stopped cold. It's a precursor to globlaist designs. [+]

Alphabetically ordered tags

[+] Larouche feed
[+] Larouche PAC latest
[+] YouTube

Finding this blog on Google blogsearch using keywords

This blog appears on Google blogsearch using the following keywords

[+] "classical humanist" in quotes
[+] zionist hoax