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Friday, April 4, 2008

CRYONICS-- SA Inc-- C81-- 04-- Maxim's response to Best

"Blood on the board" is brought up in this latest situation on Cold Filter. In true reductionist style, Ben Best proves himself to be ultimately incompetent-- as I've always figured he was-- despite his voluminous writing. The problem with Ben Best is that he is unable to see the forest for the trees-- and now he's rearranging the trees. [+]

The salient point in that post is pointed out by Maxim-- who says the intial report was changed. Right there-- Ben Best's defense falls apart. In a Cryonics Court, THAT single fact alone would sink CI's and SA's position. They screwed with the original reported-on-data. And as in all crimes, as I understand it, it's the INITIAL report that is most likely to be true.

As far as the tree standing in the forest that Ben Best wants us to look at-- the "blood on the board"-- he wrote

Ben wrote: How can you claim without contradiction that blood on the board are evidence of vascular damage and also claim that perfusion was inadequate to remove all the blood (which could lead to blood on the board)?

Apparently, intial perfusion did not remove all the blood.

And blood "on the board" (I have no idea what that means)-- is evidence of vascular damage.

The ANSWER for reductionist Best-- is that EVEN IF the perfusion did not remove ALL the blood, there would have been ENOUGH blood "'on the board" to offer evidence of vascular damage.

This is the best defense CI/SA/Best have to offer-- apparently-- and so as one of the JURY OF PEERS in cryonics-- my verdict on the handling of C81 is "guilty" as charged-- by PROSECUTOR MAXIM. SA's handling of C81 was a cryonics crime. This will stand in the cryonics history books.

Other cryonicists who should be acting as jury members on this are silent-- so as in a court of law-- if you don't show up as part of your jury duty-- your vote cannot be counted. This is another indicator of cryonics incompetence. The leaders of cryonics stand guilty of not ACTING like leaders in discussion forums and blogs. To this extent, cryonics-- even though it's not a cult-- ACTS like one. The more I see this go on, the more I believe a working definition of a cult is simply "insular thinking"-- in other words-- a group that cuts themsevles off from "outside" analysis-- is, in effect, a cult. I realize that that's not the official definition-- but it's angle I like this morning.

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