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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

COMPUTERS-- software-- copyright

Here's an article about copyright protection in Canada. [+] IT seems to suggest that copyright restrictions in the software industry are going too far, yet it also suggests that private property are being infringed upon. I guess in the process of attempting to protect their own property rights, computer software corporations are infringing on the private property rights of individuals.

I've ruminated on something similar as being possible in simple ordinary languages we use every day, like English, French or Spanish. What if corporations copyrighted certain turns of phrases or words-- so that you were automaticallly billed every time you used a word? Something like that exists in my work right now. Every time I play a familiar song, technically I'm supposed to pay something called "royalties" to the writer of that song. And yet I play Billy Joel's Piano Man frequently without emailng Billy some e-gold. Bad me.

Taking it further, what if conversations became monitered with nanochip RIFDs so that all private conversations were recorded in a computer through wifi-- and you didn't know what your exact charges were going to be. So you would get a monthly bill charging you for your private use of certain references, words, phrases, songs etc? Language itself would become billable. Eventually, corporativism would lead to that-- billing for water, language, air, etc. and software use. Every micromovement in space would be billed for its "effect on the environment". Every breath you take would be billable for it's contribution to carbon gases.

The only way to stop this is with a renewed understaanding of Classical Humanism and the Common good as defined by Lyndon Larouche.

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