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Friday, March 28, 2008

PSYCHOLOGY OF AGING-- 01-- Closer to the end than the beginning

Turning 50 for me was a more significant marker than 40 or 30 or 20. This is because I see 50 as a halfway point in the current optimistic human lifespan of 100. I've met and seen stories of 100 year olds but not much beyond that-- very rarely. The pscyhology of some people I know in their 70's should reflect what i'm senseing right now-- but I don't see that happening. I think it's a result of terror and denial. I myself am feeling a bit of that-- but I'm embracing the idea and going with it to the extent that I'll be discussing here on this blog under "psychology of aging". Interestingly, and terrifyingly, I find myself thinking about preparing for the end-- such as writing a will and double checking my cryonics arrangements and paperwork. (That's another story). Every day, I wonder what will happen to my collection of books, recordings, websites and notes. To that end, I'm thinking about the psychology of annihalation-- since none of my stuff is backed up. If I'm not frozen, and none of stuff is stored, there will be no evidence of my having existed only a few years after I die. Or will there be? Larouche's ideas on Classical Immortality come into play here-- and so the effect we had on the world will, for most of, be our only lasting legacy. Our posterity will essentially be in the little tiny effect we had on our little part of reality while we were here temporarily. At 50, I guess that's what my most fundamental outlook is.... although i remain a little hopeful that cryonics can work and that my stuff will be archived. I think the higher morality and ethic of humanity must be to be concerned with posterity first-- and foremost-- because that will provide the civilizational container in which any physical immortality will be achieved to more or less an extent, such as in cryonics. Cryonics depends on civilization-- not the other way around. Civiilziation is an essential but insufficient element of cryonics, but not the other way around. Thus, civilization must be of the higher concern for cryonicists in their stated primary mission of caring for cryonauts. The best way to care for cryoncaust is to care for civilization. And that means rereading Larouche-- whose universal history is so wide and overarching-- its impossible to avoid-- and for the British Empire has become a target over the past 40 years. The American Revolution was a revolution in that it established the first federal republic in history. Other nation states can follow that lead-- France almost made it-- Canada still needs it-- and Isreal should consider it. Federal Republics use federal or public credit over a generation or two at low rates to build public infrastructure-- which the privaitazion people like Blooomberg and Obama and Schweartznegger are attempting to steal right now.

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