I check these sites every day. Rense [+] Larouche [+] Cold filter [+] The world's financial/monetary system is being destroyed-- by the London based financial cartel-- ONLY Larouche has the answers-- So without that as a backdrop, you have no grasp of reality. [+]

Monday, March 31, 2008

HOUSE OF COMMONS-- 05-- Canadian Republic movement by Larouche

CLick on this link, look around a bit and come here--->[+] Will Canada Adopt the British or the "Classical System" (as exemplified by America when not contolled by the British?-- is an article you'll find partway down the page. For MattTrimony, JulieMcCoy, GwennPenn (who blocked me from her email list), Punjab, KenNatta, CalLombrias. Compare this to the idea of a Republic of a Neighbourhood-- Any publication dealing the Republic in Canada should deal with this Larouche page.

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