I check these sites every day. Rense [+] Larouche [+] Cold filter [+] The world's financial/monetary system is being destroyed-- by the London based financial cartel-- ONLY Larouche has the answers-- So without that as a backdrop, you have no grasp of reality. [+]

Monday, March 31, 2008

HOUSE OF COMMONS-- 04-- GwenPenn's referral on how to change the world

Gwen Penn referred Ken Adda to this site. [+] They are sponsored by something called the Social Venture Institute. [+]. That is sponsored by a fist full of companies-- the only name I recognize is Kellogg. [+] Kellogg has a vision and mission statement-- and it's very apparent to me, after reading Classical Humanist philosophy for 7 years that Kellogg is another "suppressor agent" that is attempting to circumvent good government-- in the classical sense-- by taking almost a Buddhist approach to "controllling the people"-- by pretending to "help" them... Take this for instance...

We believe stewardship requires fidelity to the spirit and to the intent of the founder, and the wise use of resources.
Source [+]

My comment-- "Wise use of resources" is a euphemism for "shutting down development"-- [Google search on corporate situation] Huge corporations are involved in a conspiracy to cooperate with an international band of crooks and theives who intend to destroy the nation-state system. They cannot do it openly and transparently because populations of countries would be horrified. So they resort to funny language like "wise use of resources"-- meaning "privatization of government controlled land and its banning of humans from it so it can be "returned to nature". Makow has characterized yesterday's Earthday for example-- as Kill-yourself-for-the-earth day.... [+] As well, Al Gore was on 60 min. last night-- and he has a new campaign out to Save the Earth-- from warming up-- a complete fraud. So Gwen Penn's reference to this site-- to Ken Adda... involves THIS content.

Gwen Penn's pointing to that reference puts him in the circle that is CONSISTENT with this entire genocidal program. Witness the phrase that Gwen used in his email-- that went something like-- it depends on your value system-- which is an OBLIQUE way to say-- we have to to stop the population from growing. The Earth's population has tripled since 1950-- this is considered bad by the Earth people-- whereas the situation is NOT what they say-- instead the Classical Humanists as led by Larouche at this time-- are saying look-- here's what we do to make everyone comfortable-- you CREATE raw materials-- you CREATE isotopes-- you CREATE water-- you take up Vernadsky on the transformatin of the biosphere into noosphere-- we are at the beginning of real humanity here-- not the end-- the population will S-curve itself as we provide for it using the nation-state international system. It's completely different than Gwen's position-- which Gwen offers in a half-evasive manner-- because Glenn Penn-- knows he's espousing genocide-- just like Arthur C. Clarke did in his book on population.

Here's the view from a reality perspective-- rather than the "too many people" perspective. [+]

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