I check these sites every day. Rense [+] Larouche [+] Cold filter [+] The world's financial/monetary system is being destroyed-- by the London based financial cartel-- ONLY Larouche has the answers-- So without that as a backdrop, you have no grasp of reality. [+]

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

PSYCHOLOGY-- mind control-- Persinger

I was a subject in Persinger's lab once at U Sudbury. Here he is delivering a lecture. [+] I found his link on this mind control site. [+] He had me wear a helmet with magnets that stimulated my temporal lobes that was supposed to induce a God-experience. I was in a Faraday cage-- and it did nothing for me-- His female assisanet was gorgeous though and she and I got along very nicely. Persinger insulted me after I told him I felt nothing from the magnets. I investigated this as a result of an article in Omni magazine about God. Now i have a different view of God. For me, reading Larouche puts in in touch with the God Discovery process much more easily-- and we begin with how God is denied-- and that begins with the Anti-Golden Renaissance called the "Enlightenment" which is really an "En-darken-ment"-- cleverly misnamed to attract adherents into a fraudulent mindset. I'm currently working with a guy who runs a weight loss clinic by changing peoples' subconsious mind-- speaking directly to it-- using binaaural beats. I think the key to uplifting humanity from the subhuman is NOT transhumanism but rather classical humanism-- and then classical futurehumanism-- It means thinking 2 generations ahead... and is based on a Westphalian world order-- I call it the Golden Renaissance Helmet. I'll be combining classical futurehumanism (with cryonics) into a program for reprogramming the subconsious mind to change cryonicts and Americans into real cryonicists and Americans. I may not finish the work in my lifetime-- given we can't extend lifespan yet-- so I'm creating the basis for the follow up by a few generations into the future. To this end, I'm digitizing or storing in other ways, as much of my personal archives as possible-- some of it haveing been destroyed and a lot simply not having been recorded.

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