I check these sites every day. Rense [+] Larouche [+] Cold filter [+] The world's financial/monetary system is being destroyed-- by the London based financial cartel-- ONLY Larouche has the answers-- So without that as a backdrop, you have no grasp of reality. [+]

Friday, April 4, 2008

END OF THE WORLD AS WE'VE KNOWN IT-- Refer to Larouche and EIR

WE've come to the point, I think, where I recognize that we're not in the situation I thought we were in. Things are coming unglued in a way that isn't just ordianry change or progress-- What's happening is far worse-- and can only be described in terms of political philosophy-- as covered by Larouche. [+]

The internet has been around since 1994 or so-- I've been using blogs and forums since 1996-- more than a decade-- although the methods have been more sophisticated, like everything on the net-- over the past few years-- especially with this blog. However, human factors have entered into the equation to basically nullify the utility of this technology. In effect, I'm moving beyond the internet. The great age of internet communication is ending for me-- the future we were promised is not coming forth. We're getting something else, instead. And it's not the future we imagined.

From this point on, I'll reduce my blogging until it's zero, weaning myself off this e-tit and focus on personal development and maintenance-- on a level consistent with what's being pushed these days by the predominant political atmosphere-- which is "every man for himself". The titanic of civlilazation is going down. Anything I write is now, by my own defintion, a waste of time for anyone to read. It's no longer fun. It's no longer entertaining. Instead-- I refer all readers to Larouche. [+]

Read larouche and take care of yourselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad yer done.

Were you looking for the world's longest masturbatory orgasm?

Don't let me interrupt your hiatical now. La R would not approve of dissemblamatatory tactics.

As for now, EOM

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