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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

ELECTION 2008-- 37-- Next British trick--RIOTS at Dem convention

The British backed Obama-robot and the kids who are fooled by this Manchuraian candidate-- are now being set up to RIOT worse than 1968 Chicago-- in Denver. [+] Why those stupid little dorks. Will someone please inform them about the BRITISH PLOT to destroy Obama? He's a "throwaway" -- disposable candidate-- to Brzezinksy-- and the British oligarches. Most Canadians I know are duped by this simpleton's mind warfare too. Boneheads. All they have to do is read EIR by Larouche to decode the operation. But noooooooo! (Belushi). Spending $500 a year on American intelligence is TOO MUCH. Well-- stupidity has it's own punishment. Self-induced stupid power induces confusion and fatigue-- and if that's not enough, whole destruction of civilizations. It's happened before you know. Take the case of Athens goaded battle with Pelloponesia-- Oh, wait. I forgot.. you might not have that background. Sorry. Sometimes I forget how well self-educated I've become. ok then-- just read the article above about the PLANNED RIOTS-- and ask yourself, "Yourself, does that look spontaneous or manipulated?"

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