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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

CANADA-- Burlington sidewalks-- classification codes hurt seniors

Seniors who walk during the winter in Burlington (Ontario, Canada) now need to understand the rating system of sidewalks that has been put into place. The high priority snow clearance goes to the commercial streets where taxes are higher. Where there are residential streets allowing locals to walk, the urgency isn't so high. Seniors who don't drive are the lowest denomination in the Canadian caste system. Only automobile-capable humans will be allowed out of their houses on a winter morning. Corporativist Orwellian discipline will be adhered to in Burlington. Down with the COMMON good-- a MYTH-- of a bygone age. Long Live the Emporor! All HAIL Burlington City council!!! Sunday services in honor of the Golden Car will be held downtown at 10, 11 and 2. All praise and honor, glory and thanks to The Golden Car-- Thank you Lord for our Car. May walkers of sidewalks be silent.

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