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Thursday, March 27, 2008

ZIONISM-- 03-- Jewish "people" is an invention-- not real.

[+] Zionists are pushing the idea that there is such a thing as "a Jewish people" as a race or a particular genetic stock. This article looks at that again. I'm also signed up for cryonics and there are are group of cryonicists-- who continually assault me in various ways-- beyond regular debate-- for holding this view publicly, but I'm sorry-- the truth is the truth. Let me ask CADC this-- If Jewish people are a genetic stock, then how is it that one can "convert to Judiasm"? The whole game is so stupid it's beyond belief. Cryonics is full of really retarded people in this regard. It's like saying cryonics are "a people" who common genetic stock. Hey wait a minute-- maybe they are-- and that would explain why they're all so stupid.


Anonymous said...

Too complex for your brain, Phil0? I don't see how it can be that hard to understand, even for you. A religion is obviously one thing, and a centuries-long line of ethnic people who migrated to many countries, is another. Most of the time those people practiced the religion they were named for, but many did not and abandoned it. For instance, there are even "Christian Jews". And obviously someone who converts to that religion, does not convert to the ethnicity of the Jewish race. That race has its own unique culture, Phil0, complete with customs, music, you name it. Not to mention interwoven families. There are even physiological characteristics in many lines of Jewish folks, that are unmistakable. The Germans in the 30's thought they could eradicate the Jews, plus many other ethnic races, by making spot determinations and putting them on the railroad cars to the ovens. You are trying to eradicate them by claiming they do not exist. That puts you in very bad company. But who cares - you are obviously an ethnic group of ONE. Considering what you do, it is no wonder your cryonics contemporaries would love to eradicate you. How does that make you feel?

(an admirer of the CADC, who happens to have hundreds of Jewish folks in her extended family)

Rick Potvin said...

ANON-- "and a centuries-long line of ethnic people who migrated to many countries, is another."

ME-- That ethnic line was blurred over many inter-racial combinations over time as to be meaningless today. Today's Jewish ethnic line would be pretty difficult to find. Besides, even if they were easy to find, it's hardly a basis for establihsing a modern nation-state based on federal republicanism-- the most advance form of Statecraft invented with the Treaty of Westphalia-- that Tony Blair is attempting to destroy using the Treaty of Lisbon

ANON-- You are trying to eradicate them by claiming they do not exist.

ME-- No, you and the Zionists are trying to create something that does not exist in the first place--

ANON-- That race has its own unique culture, Phil0, complete with customs, music, you name it. Not to mention interwoven families.

ME-- No. Not true. I reject the idea that Jewishness is race. It's pure culture. Here's a website describing racial groups. [+] Jews are not there.

ANON--n admirer of the CADC, who happens to have hundreds of Jewish folks in her extended family

ME-- Considering cryonics has a base of 1000, "hundred of Jewish "folks"" gives us a clue as to what's really going on in cryonics-- that cryonics may MAY be Zionist controlled or Zionist influence since most Jews are being duped by Zionists, including you-- but not me. I'm from a Catholic Race-- We of the Catholic racial group are a persecuted group too so we created a homeland called the Vatican. Catholics have their own music like Come Holy Ghost and Ave Maria. We intermarry and have many families too. We're all descended from jesus who had many children. The Pope is a descendent of Jeus himself.

That would be the corollary, in CAtholicism, of what Jews do in Judias. See how absurd it is?

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