I check these sites every day. Rense [+] Larouche [+] Cold filter [+] The world's financial/monetary system is being destroyed-- by the London based financial cartel-- ONLY Larouche has the answers-- So without that as a backdrop, you have no grasp of reality. [+]

Saturday, March 29, 2008

STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS-- 01-- Mithra-- Australia--dreams-- 3-29-08

March 29, 2008-- Saturday

Not sure what to make of the weird conflagration of events lately. Elements--

1. Austrailian couple-- with money to spend-- said they are returning to Australia. They don't like Phoenix or the US. They say nuclear power has to be shut down. They think Helen Coldicott is cirrect-- that mining uranium is poisoining Canadian Indian miners. The food stocks of the world are going down, but this is oky-- because that will lead to starvation of poor poeple and the world's population needs to be reduced anyway. They intend to live it up and travel before heading back to Australia.

2. I had onion yesterday and again it induced dreaming. I dreamed I was is a coffee shop and the bar tender game me a cup that was about 1/5 the size of a regular cup. He wouldn't explain. I couldn't get answers out of him. He ignored me.

3. The idea of Mithra came up.

4. I think Meranto has something-- but I found his previous name and incarnation on an old record album from 1971 entitled How Your Mind Can Keep You Well.

5. The Chrisitian Science shop around the corner from me shut down. A Scientology center opened up to it next door.

6. Tom Cruise is featured again on David Pascal's site.

7. Air America's hosts are all anti-Hillary all the time. It's quite bizarre. I understand what's going on due to Larouche's explanation that Obama is present to destroy Hillary-- but the media gangup on Hillary on TV and radio is astonishing. Mind warware-- or psyops is in full swing.

8. The Australian couple said real estate prices are going up in Austrailia and that that country is immune from the financial collapse of the dollar (no its not but they think it is).

9. The Surge in Iraq was said by NeoCon Republicans to be working-- then Air America pointed out every night that there is an uprising-- that finally hit the TV news-- and it so it appeasr the surge is not working

10. Hillary is referring to "credit crisis" yesterday-- TV news played a short clip of her. TV news is trying to force the idea that Dems are attacking each other Chris Mathews especially. All TV media is owned by corporations taking orders from the finanical oligarchs-- to represent what's going on the way they want us to see it-- TV media STILL seems more powerful than interent independent sites and Larouche.

11. The Austrailian couple would not mind doing away with nation-states. What's wrong with world governement? New Zealand has no local governements. Even Garbage collection is done by federal governement. [+]

12. I've been experimenting with increasing my iodine intake with a supplement for that purpose (nutrient iodine-- not avail in drugstores)-- and it appears that maybe the marekters are correct. More on this in Health below.

13. Alcor continues to update their blog on matters of a technical nature, depersonlized and without broader context. This is consistent with reductionism and corporate control. The dead body is not owned by the previous corporeally housed soul-- the dead body becomes corporate property. There are people who will not sign up for cryonics on that basis alone-- CPlatt met them at an SA In conference in FL. CPlatt ridicules the notion but there IS something to it.

14. The paino technician mentioned Nexus-- I returned to the site-- and found this article on the ability of the mind to align itself. [+] This is consistnet with Meranto's work-- and with ancient astronauts-- and Jesus as a quantum organized being.

15. Canadian Indians are dying from radioactivity frmin mining uranium according the the genocide-suporting wealthy Australian couple who are effecitvley insane. Helen Coldicott impressed them. She associates nuclear bombs, nuclear bomb testing and the threat of nuclear wars and destruction with nuclear-power-- and is perfectly CONSISTENT with the larger world view of genocide-by-design being created by the British Empire (misnamed the Commonwealth-- since there is no common wealth being promoted in the "empire"). The Australian couple "bought" here idea of association and are not anti-nuclear AND anti-population. They "beleive" (neuronal connections thickened) that now-- and to "UNbelieve" would require the atrophy of that connection-- which is unlikely anytime soon.

16. Atheism is a believe system dependent on neuronally fat pathways based on the unsubstantiated and unscientific views of "God". To "UNblieve" the atheist position is almost impossible. I was there. The first new patheway for an "Atheist" to lock onto and grow is the problem with the "semantic frame" of atheism. For example, why isn't called "Adeism"?

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