I check these sites every day. Rense [+] Larouche [+] Cold filter [+] The world's financial/monetary system is being destroyed-- by the London based financial cartel-- ONLY Larouche has the answers-- So without that as a backdrop, you have no grasp of reality. [+]

Sunday, March 30, 2008

NOTES-- 3-30-08

1. Stodolsky appears to understand the problems inherent in Libertarianism and Objectivism more than other cryonicists-- although he believes CI is growing-- which is an illusion in my view because CI simply takes poor last minute cases on-- and this is not growing cryonics at all.

2. The media during this election cycle has become "one website"-- because it is corporate controlled and has an agenda pretending to be somewhat impartial-- their agenda is to pretend the dems are self destructing.

3. Journalism has completely lost its way. [+]

4. The best reference point to start with is Larouche. [+]

5. Hillary talks about alternative energy NOT konwing what she's talking about-- yet she wants funds to fight in PA. Even IF I were to help raise funds, what is happening to "democracy" when someone like me, of extremely "modest" means-- is asked to donate for "marketing" a person who represents, among other things, "biofuels"?

6. Agapic energy [+]

7. Economics [+]

8. Assinimov mentions Christian humanism and agape in one line out of a thousand [[+]

9. Insanity [+]

10. Ask larouche a question. [+]

11. Mthods of debate and interviewing on TV are literally insane. Chris Mathews is literally insane, for example. So is Tim Russert. All TV-land is complete total insanity. Big screens make it even more insance. IT's a madhouse-- and in the calm center of reality-- the Hillary-position on freezing foreclosures exists as a starting point. The mass media has become mass insanity.

12. TV-land is hell. There is no good there anymore. Newspapers are a cooler hell. Magazine racks are a cooler hell. They're all hell. All of it has gone to hell. Hell is when there is no motivation to be truthful. No struggle with issues. Only insanity. Geroldo was on last night with a short interview of guys who put kids in kick boxing rings-- this is allowed. How? This is insance. It's pure unadulterated evil horrible hell. It's compltely totally unacceptable. Names should be taken because if we cn possible surface and stability, these people will need to be stopped and prosecuted.

13. Religion is nothing but another form of politics. To this end, Catholic Futurenauts will establish the Larouche political platform based on Agape along with Classical and Physical Immortality. Spiritual immortality has to be re-defined-- or at least reviewed... since spirit referred to mind in the past.

14. The essence of human action is expressed by Larouche---

The creative powers of the human individual mind are a quality of existence which is utterly lacking in all forms of animal life. We have, indeed, an animal body, which we shall each lose, soon enough. It is that part of us which is not the animal, which should be the expressed chief motive of our passions, and the purpose for which we may hope to serve by the manner of our living.
Source [+]

15. Cryonicists stand their BEST chance of physical immortality if they dedicate themselves to CLASSICAL immortality-- this is the paradox that I alone on Earth have uncovered-- much to the dismay of the cryonicists who call me the most hated man in cryonics.

QUOTE from Larouche
For example. I am presently eighty-five years of age, and would be eighty-six in about another half-year to come. At this time, my passion for the future experience of our nation and of the world at large, is more intense, more impassioned than it has ever been before. The thing I hate the most among my associates, is either evidence of cheap ambition for personal gratification in the short term, or shirking needed commitments to more long-ranging goals, where their passion should be a gloating satisfaction in the benefits which none of us may live to experience, but which we are working to bring about. All really good individual persons, or groups of persons think like that; they think like persons who really know that they are immortal, and know that their future lies in the outcome of their devotion to the future of mankind.
Source-- ibid

16. Obama sat in front of a minister who is NOT Christan-- who preacches the GOSPEL OF HATE--

Most important of all, is devotion in impelling people with bad morals and perhaps worse behavior, to become better people. Our duty is not the gospel of hate, which Jeremiah Wright expresses, but to improve the sinners as a mission for improving ourselves, and ourselves even more, and more necessarily, than others.
Source-- ibid

17. Michelle Steinburg [+]

Denver convention-- for dems-- August-- will be a turning point-- like the 1932 Chicago convention-- the FDR presidency... was being blocked by Wall St. fascists led by the chairman Raskob-- an agent of the BE (Brisith Empire)-- tried to prevent FDR... We have to do this again-- get through a turning point through a fascism turn-- Populr opnion is wrong--

Sam Dixon-- CA Dem party state convention-- fight has come out-- over plot from London-- Attemtp to put Al Gore in place-- and Bloomberg as subsistutite candidate-- Gore-- Time.com is Luce fascism publications (my dad read it hiw shole life)--

Doom has struck-- 3 survival points-- End of the post FDR era-- World monetary system-- is collapsing-- now-- will be unstoppable-- the longer it goes on-- the worse things will get-- This post FDR era is over-- Schultz is an international facsist working both sides-- Rohatyn, Gore, Bloomberg-- in cahoots... These guys are against the "general welfare" and intereseted in destroying the US dollar-- turn us into an empire under the European oligarchy-- this is being defeated by Larouche PAC--

HBPA-- The fight to get this act through the Congress-- came up against the plan to eliminate Genearl Welfare-- Heyenas are telling Hillary to get out-- to counter this-- Larouche has opened up something-- the scenario on Hillary-- is.. to get Clinton out of the way-- THEN destroy Obama-- they have a SERIES of scandals to bring down Obama--

Rezko trial going on now-- they want to destroy BOTH candidates-- and bring in Bllomberg-- series of articles in EIR -- story of 1932 Wall st. Anglophiles-- tried to prevent FDR from being nominated-- they attempted to assassinate FDR-- failed-- then they attempted a coup-- Dupont, GM, JPmorgan--

British agents are trying to hijakc the Denver convention-- Gore is waiting in the wings-- the objective is to knock out Clinton, finish Obama, bring in Gore-- They tried to block FDR-- with every trick-- 1st, 2nd, 3rd ballot not nominated-- only on 4th ballot-- FDR was nominated--

Lesson of that-- to give Dems to fight-- stand up against popular opinion--

3 steps for survival---

Bear sterms bailout-- changed everything-- treasurey cooperated-- proves LR right-- always right-- empirical proof is slap in face-- nobody else has credibility-- only authority now is LLR....

Mobilization-- on 3 steps for survival-- in city and state govn'ts. Wall st. Hates the 3 steps because its against what they stand for-- Private industry should control money-- and infrastructure of whole nations-- Rohatyn is BE-- hates the American intention-- everyone created equal-- principel is general welfare-- LR policy is that-- system is collapsing-- They fear losing contorl of countries...

State House in Detroit-- people are afraid to put LR's name on the legislation-- Field deployments-- toll booths for people walking across st.-- phoney infrastrucure-- Middle Age feudlaism... League of cities-- phase shift in financial system-- people are more open now-- got hit with bricks-- internalizing the idea that LR is right-- Oklahoma-- different sense of a freakout...

Oklahoma-- statehouse-- senators met-- offices-- private meetings-- discussin LLR in depth-- before they though it was going to go the way it was-- Larouche's name has to be on the policy-- only guy that freaks out the fascist element from London-- enemies of the USA... the only person who gets these guys to leave droppings in their pants is Larouche...

Lpac website-- FIREWALL video [I think the intro sucks]== New "course" to rediscover principles-- reliving kepler's New Astronomy-- better than anything at any university-- every univesrity has been controlled top down by City of London-- larouche represents the Classical view-- hidden, and suppressed. figuring out what Gauss was actuailly thinking-- a work through of Gauss's determination of orbits... This is reviving our TRUE AMERICAN TRADITION-- TAT-- Classical Humanism-- is substantial...

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