I check these sites every day. Rense [+] Larouche [+] Cold filter [+] The world's financial/monetary system is being destroyed-- by the London based financial cartel-- ONLY Larouche has the answers-- So without that as a backdrop, you have no grasp of reality. [+]

Saturday, March 22, 2008

ELECTION 2008-- Obama-- 20-- Zbignew Brzezinksy connection confirmed

I've been aware, through Larouche, that ZBIGnew Berrr zinsky-- (say that name and remember it)-- that Trilateral Commissioner from that group of the 1970s in the CArter Administration-- a group dedicated to "deconstructing" the US economy-- which it did successfully through deregulation-- part of 3 part take-down of the USA-- started in 1963 with the killing of Kennedy-- was behind Obama-- then... viola-- a few days ago in the corporatist TV-media-- ZB pops up from out of nowhere saying something idiotic (I forget what) in support of Obama. Now, this morning Rense points to an actual appearance by this traitor to the USA [+] But his backing Obama and his disastrous ecnonomic blow to Classical USA in the 1970s isn't the worst of him-- look at this..

Most dangerous of all, Zbig is the obvious mastermind of the massive destabilization of China now ongoing, starting with the CIA/MI-6 Tibet insurrection, which has placed the US on a collision course with China, a superpower with 1.4 billion people and thermonuclear weapons which can strike US cities, a far cry from the helpless and defenseless targets preferred by the neocons.

I've watched this sudden problem occur in Tibet on idiot-TV like everyone else and I've been waiting to put it in a Larouchian context-- because things like this don't happen spontanesouly-- the British Empire is setting fires all over the planet right now-- from their headquarters in the City State of the City of London...

There is a plan to subvert China under cover of the Olympics and to destroy the SCO-- Shanghai Cooperattion Organization.

Anti-war activists are still fixated on Iran, but not Brzezinski is not - his target is China, TWENTY times bigger than Iran, with ICBMs ready to launch, followed by Russia, the world's biggest nuclear power. Such confused activists need to focus on stopping the next war - the final global showdown with Pakistan, China, and Russia. That means rejecting Brzezinski's puppet candidate Obama.

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