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Thursday, March 27, 2008

CRYONICS-- bastardized-ignorant-corrupt movement

Cryonics has been bastardized through the neglect of real studies of the future from a Classical Humanist persepctive. Worse than that, when I discovered that context fully in 2001, and presented it to the cryonics community in 2002-- and recieved no positive response, cryonics became willingly ignorant. And even worse that THAT, during the period 2003 to 2007-- 5 years-- when I attempted to push the ideas in Classical Humanism in various ways, I was villified, attacked and slandered, threatened and banned. This makes all of cryonics literally corrupt in my view-- because the whole idea of cryonics is to get to the future-- therefore it involves seriously considering how to design and construct that future. Larouche provides a deep and viable intellectual methodology to do so-- yet beyond not entertaining the ideas from a academic viewpoint, the entire cryonics community has allowed the front-men to silence me. I can only make one simple conlusions. Cryonics is a front of some sort for something else. Anyone doing cryonics today is either a dupe or an agent of another mission. I reamain signed up with Alcor but as of now, with recent failures on multiple fronts and with the crash of the monetary system in the world-- with not a peep from monied cryonicists in the helping of cryonicists understanding of that-- at least publicly-- I'm more without hope about cryonics than ever. Threats have even been made that I would not be preserved, accusations that I hurt cryonics etc.... all anti-intellectual clap trap. Cryonics, as a whole, is bastardized, ignorant and corrupt. My best hope now, for physical immortality, is simply to live a really long time-- another 100 years years-- to 150-- which will give me the next 100 years to help set America straight and cryonics straight. I urge cryonicists who have ears to hear this-- to join me in making The General Welfare as described in the American Constitution. Cryonicists need therapy-- all of em-- they're all crazy as far as I'm concerned and I'm done with them... except to remain signed up... as one last parting shot at immortality in an unlikely situation. I'm the cryonicsi member who is MOST LIKELY to be intentionally destroyed by cryonicists, on purpose. I've been called the most hated person in cryonics-- for my Larouche views. Here's Larouche's homepage. [+]

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