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Friday, March 21, 2008

CRYONICS== Arthur C. Clarke-- Cryonicists fail to recognize evil

Arthur C. Clarke passed away recently and this was a big deal to the cryonicists who saw him as a visionary. I'm signed up for cryonics-- but I frame cryonics in a Classical Humanist context, which all other cryonicists reject. They frame cryonics in a world view consistent with-- well-- Arthur C. Clarkes-- which is essentially one of Empire. His most famous novel, Childhood's End published in 1953 is summarized briefly as follows--

The year 1953 proved momentous for Clarke in at least two ways. He published Childhood’s End, a dark novel many consider to be his best. In it, an alien occupation of earth results in humankind’s self-destruction for its own transcendental good. Source: Wikipedia

Humans destroy themselves "for their own transcendental good"? WTF? Now let's walk over to ColdFilter where cryonicists are admiring Clark. [+] Ettinger, considered the father of cryonics with Ev Cooper, bemoans the loss of Clarke without having been frozen as well.

Clarke was knighted by the Queen, and the Queen represents the Empire-- and The British Empire is, today, behind the multiple wars around the world and they're behind radical Zionsism which is pushing for more Middle East war and Iran attack. They want the end of the nation-state system and they want depopulation of the planet. Childhood's End was a mock trial scenario of how aliens could accomplish that, but the British Empire has decided to take the project on themselves. That's precisely what Globalization is about. Cryonicists are dupes or willing coconspirators in the destruction of mankind. All of science fiction has been essentially Brisith controlled mind warfare.

Clarke's contribution to humanity has been less than zero. By participating in the planned destruction of civilization-- while pretending to be a science fiction writer-- not a very good one in the final analysis-- and science fiction being a British mind control project anyway-- his loss is, in fact, humanity's gain.... as it will be with the Classical Humanist plan for putting an end to the Empire itself-- as well as all future Empires-- in favor of a community of sovereign nation states working under principles.

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