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Saturday, March 29, 2008

BLOGOLOGY-- 08-- Write to your previous self as audience

Write a blog as if you're addressing a slightly previous version of yourself in space time. Also write to a far-past version of yoursefl. This is the primary audience. There's a weird psychological shift in my thinking-- not sure if it's due to Meranto guided meditiation or not-- but I'm in the eye of a hurricane in some sense... and the idea of writing to a previous self-- or selves-- as seen in a department stores clothing departments angles mirrors where you see multiply reflected images going backward infiniitely comes it mind as a metaphor for how to write truthfully and effectively. The multiple reflective past selves are the primary audience-- paradoxically-- because they can't possibly be the audience-- or can that?

The way that previous selves can be an audience are through the subconcious. The subconsious mind conatins previously wired neuronal pathways-- which exist in the current personality. These can be both weakened and replaced with new pathways. Cryonics is so narrow a field-- as well as anti-aging and life extension-- that none of the people invovled in that seem aware of these most basic idea-- and they continue to wonder why cryonics isn't growing. Hillary supporters wonder in amazement why Obama supports support Obama-- when asked they don't know. It's all to do with the subconsious. Unless we redesign our subconsious mind we're screwed. Larouche has great ideas but unless Larouche people deal with rewiring the subconsious we won't get anywhere.

Currently, the British Empire through the Tavistock Insittuute has a monopoly on mass media that gets into the subconcious. To wire the populations neuronal patheways, they repeat the message. For example they're repeating the message that Dems are attacking each other and that it's small minded and petty. If someone hears that eleven times, they become nueronally wired up for it-- and automatically "beleive" it. A belief is a strong coritcal neural pathway. To "UN-believe" it, it must be "erased". This work goes back to the "subliminal advertising" in the 1950's. It appears to have disappeared-- becuase it WORKED and was absconded by the Empire or finanicial oligarchs.

There is no hope for the world or for your local situation unless you take control of your mind back. Sam Meranto doesn't understand the full import of what he has.


I just "proof read" the above. What is "proof reading". In the dumbed down "school system"-- programming institutions that pretend to be "educational"-- "proof reading" is merely checking for errros. I have all ikinds of errros I don't care about because my Mac keyboard sucks. Macs and all pcs suck-- due to keyboards alone-- the REAL benefit of proofreading is to b ethe first persn in the future to read what the self similar person of the immeidate past wrote. The new updated reader-- the self-- reads the output-- the output having been somewhat generated from the subconcious-- and new reader reading that with the concious mind. Writing and proofreading deal with subconcious and conscious thinking. Writing is a tool for exploring the subconcious. You cannot know the contents of the subconcious without writing.

Stream of consciousness writing is attacked and villified by many in the shcool "system"-- the indoctrination centeres-- that design humans to accept messages created by the financial oligarchs-- and to become "consumers" (eaters).. Stream of consciousness allows the subconsious mind to "breathe"-- to be "let out".

To succeed in the indocrtination centers you have to be willing to "fail". In effect, "failure" is "successfullly avoiding being indoctrinated". For specific skills, that is not useful. However for broad overview of life and the world, it is. "Education" is not "training". Training for a skill is an entirely DIFFERENT mind-mapping and projection than "awarness" and "thinking ability". We're in a primitive phase with respect to all of that.

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