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Thursday, March 27, 2008

9/11-- Part II-- 01-- Benjamin Fulford points to black budget

FULFORD: There is a huge underground secret budget which they are using for this Armageddon plan. People need to find out about this.

They are going to try to put on quite a show, and really try to fool everybody, thinking these are end times. That's where I believe that money went to - some kind of huge smoke-and-mirrors show, on a global scale. It will make 9/11 look like child's play.

RENSE: That's what most people are expecting who are watching this carefully. Something that big will have to happen to scare the wits out of what is left of American independence into utter subservience and domination.

And it probably would work. Given the fact that the electronic media is so overwhelmingly oppressive in its own right, and clever, and domineering...
Source-- [+]

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